Anthony Bosch Guilty Plea

Anthony Bosch Guilty Plea, Anthony Bosch, the founder of the shuttered Biogenesis anti-aging clinic in Miami that was at the center of baseball’s 2013 doping scandal, pleaded guilty in Miami federal court Thursday, two months after he and six other defendants were charged with illegally providing performance-enhancing drugs to professional baseball players and high school athletes.

Sporting shackles around his ankles and wrists, and escorted by U.S. Marshals, Bosch shuffled Thursday into court, where he withdrew his not guilty plea and pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute performance-enhancing drugs. Bosch, 51, had been jailed since Oct. 6 after a federal judge revoked his bail when Bosch tested positive for cocaine.

“He expressed regret for his conduct and he acknowledged he has a substance abuse problem,” Bosch’s attorney, Guy Lewis, told the Daily News on Thursday. “He demonstrated absolute unwavering commitment to continue his cooperation.”

Lewis said Bosch’s sentencing date was set for Dec. 18.

Disgraced Yankee Alex Rodriguez was the biggest name among the Biogenesis clients, and the slugger was disciplined in August of 2013 by Major League Baseball for his involvement with the defunct Coral Gables clinic. A-Rod’s season-long doping ban ends after the 2014 World Series.

One of the other seven defendants, Jorge (Ugi) Velazquez, who is an associate of Rodriguez’s, also entered into a plea agreement Oct. 10. According to court documents, Velazquez agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy to distribute a Schedule III controlled substance in exchange for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of Florida dismissing the seven remaining counts against Velazquez. George Vila, Velazquez’s attorney, did not return a call for comment.

Bosch was sent to jail Oct. 6 after violating the terms of his pretrial release when he tested positive twice for cocaine in August. The U.S. Attorney, Wifredo Ferrer, charged Bosch and six others Aug. 5. Bosch has been cooperating with federal authorities on the case, and Lewis said that his cooperation stretches back almost two years, when Bosch began assisting MLB with its probe into Biogenesis.

Like Bosch, Velazquez faces a maximum prison sentence of 10 years. Rodriguez’s cousin, Yuri Sucart, is also a defendant in the case and has pleaded not guilty.

“We’re hoping for less than three or four years,” said Lewis, referring to Bosch’s sentence. “The judge granted a motion (Thursday) to reinstate his bond. Tony will be getting in-house treatment, 24/7, at a secure facility. It could last 30, 60, 90 days. It’s veAnthony Bosch Guilty Plea, Anthony Bosch, the founder of the shuttered Biogenesis anti-aging clinic in Miami that was at the center of baseball’s 2013 doping scandal, pleaded guilty in Miami federal court Thursday, two months after he and six other defendants were charged with illegally providing performance-enhancing drugs to professional baseball players and high school athletes.

Sporting shackles around his ankles and wrists, and escorted by U.S. Marshals, Bosch shuffled Thursday into court, where he withdrew his not guilty plea and pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute performance-enhancing drugs. Bosch, 51, had been jailed since Oct. 6 after a federal judge revoked his bail when Bosch tested positive for cocaine.

“He expressed regret for his conduct and he acknowledged he has a substance abuse problem,” Bosch’s attorney, Guy Lewis, told the Daily News on Thursday. “He demonstrated absolute unwavering commitment to continue his cooperation.”

Lewis said Bosch’s sentencing date was set for Dec. 18.

Disgraced Yankee Alex Rodriguez was the biggest name among the Biogenesis clients, and the slugger was disciplined in August of 2013 by Major League Baseball for his involvement with the defunct Coral Gables clinic. A-Rod’s season-long doping ban ends after the 2014 World Series.

One of the other seven defendants, Jorge (Ugi) Velazquez, who is an associate of Rodriguez’s, also entered into a plea agreement Oct. 10. According to court documents, Velazquez agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy to distribute a Schedule III controlled substance in exchange for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of Florida dismissing the seven remaining counts against Velazquez. George Vila, Velazquez’s attorney, did not return a call for comment.

Bosch was sent to jail Oct. 6 after violating the terms of his pretrial release when he tested positive twice for cocaine in August. The U.S. Attorney, Wifredo Ferrer, charged Bosch and six others Aug. 5. Bosch has been cooperating with federal authorities on the case, and Lewis said that his cooperation stretches back almost two years, when Bosch began assisting MLB with its probe into Biogenesis.

Like Bosch, Velazquez faces a maximum prison sentence of 10 years. Rodriguez’s cousin, Yuri Sucart, is also a defendant in the case and has pleaded not guilty.

“We’re hoping for less than three or four years,” said Lewis, referring to Bosch’s sentence. “The judge granted a motion (Thursday) to reinstate his bond. Tony will be getting in-house treatment, 24/7, at a secure facility. It could last 30, 60, 90 days. It’s very intensive in-patient treatment. The government did not object to this, and the judge ordered it to occur.”

Lewis said a pre-sentence investigation was ordered as well, and a probation office will put together a report that the judge will use at the sentencing hearing.

Edward O’Donnell IV, Sucart’s attorney, told the Daily News last month that he did not think Rodriguez would be charged in the federal case.

“I think the government made a decision that they’re not going to go after any of the players or recipients,” said O’Donnell. “I can’t officially tell you that. But I think (Rodriguez) is home free. It’s my opinion that the government is not going to go after Alex.”

Bosch was MLB’s chief witness during Rodriguez’s arbitration hearing in the fall of 2013, when the slugger appealed his original punishment — a 211-game ban handed down by commissioner Bud Selig on Aug. 5, 2013. An independent arbitrator later reduced A-Rod’s ban to 162 games, or all of the 2014 season.

A year to the day after Rodriguez and 12 other players (major and minor leaguers) were suspended, Bosch, Sucart, Velazquez and four others were indicted, and Ferrer held a press conference to outline the case and to announce that the investigation is ongoing.

Earlier this month, one of Bosch’s attorneys, Susy Ribero-Ayala, filed a motion to withdraw from the case, leaving Lewis and Michael Tein as Bosch’s principal counsel.

Lewis said that at the end of the day, his client just wants to put Biogenesis behind him.

“There’s a humility that federal prison instills, and Tony understands he made a grave error,” said Lewis. “He wants to make progress, and get back home to his family.”ry intensive in-patient treatment. The government did not object to this, and the judge ordered it to occur.”

Lewis said a pre-sentence investigation was ordered as well, and a probation office will put together a report that the judge will use at the sentencing hearing.

Edward O’Donnell IV, Sucart’s attorney, told the Daily News last month that he did not think Rodriguez would be charged in the federal case.

“I think the government made a decision that they’re not going to go after any of the players or recipients,” said O’Donnell. “I can’t officially tell you that. But I think (Rodriguez) is home free. It’s my opinion that the government is not going to go after Alex.”

Bosch was MLB’s chief witness during Rodriguez’s arbitration hearing in the fall of 2013, when the slugger appealed his original punishment — a 211-game ban handed down by commissioner Bud Selig on Aug. 5, 2013. An independent arbitrator later reduced A-Rod’s ban to 162 games, or all of the 2014 season.

A year to the day after Rodriguez and 12 other players (major and minor leaguers) were suspended, Bosch, Sucart, Velazquez and four others were indicted, and Ferrer held a press conference to outline the case and to announce that the investigation is ongoing.

Earlier this month, one of Bosch’s attorneys, Susy Ribero-Ayala, filed a motion to withdraw from the case, leaving Lewis and Michael Tein as Bosch’s principal counsel.

Lewis said that at the end of the day, his client just wants to put Biogenesis behind him.

“There’s a humility that federal prison instills, and Tony understands he made a grave error,” said Lewis. “He wants to make progress, and get back home to his family.”