Bob barker "don't forget to spay and neuter your pets"

Bob barker "don't forget to spay and neuter your pets", That's what I felt my OB was saying at my 6 week check-up. Super Hubby and I had discussed birth control options well before Bryan was even delivered. We weighed our options out carefully. We knew that there would be no way I would even consider sterilization, for either of us. Estrogen containing hormones are out because I would breastfeed. Barrier methods such as condoms were WAY out because I'm anaphylactically allergic to latex.

I do not like the idea of depo or any other progesterone containing hormonal method because of the issues I've had regarding polycystitis of the ovaries and uterus when I before used those methods. IUD/Mirena were out due to cost and the amount of time for my body to cycle back if we ever wanted another little spud. So, we had decided on rhythm, pull and pray, or whatever you want to call nature.

The OB office had called me twice prior to my appointment asking if I wanted the Mirena, as it was originally something I had asked about when I was researching our options. I told them both times that, no, we were going to go for a more natural method. When we arrived at the OB, the receptionists asks across a crowded room "Mrs. Grill, were you going to get the Mirena today?" "No,"

I sheepishly say as my newborn is crying. "How about the IUD?" "No," again. Didn't I already tell these people our choice when the called me? We get escorted back to room 2, when the nurse asks us the same question "So, you're getting the Minera today?" The Physician's assistant comes in and asks us the same thing. NO! Finally, OB guy comes in and asks us yet again! This time I just said "No, we're trying to get pregnant again!" Straight out lie that caused my husband to develop whiplash. He knew I was getting frustrated, so we started to talk options. The doctor recommends that we wait at least 6 months before we do. I'm not stupid. I know that. We aren't planning on getting pregnant right away, but I was tired of having birthcontrol shoved down my gullet. The doc ended up, really without our consent, writting a script for Nor-QD. A minipill that is progesterone only, even though we told him that we were dead against progesterone pills.

As we leave the room, my husband announces "Don't forget to spay and neuter your pets!" I about lose it with laughter as we get dirty looks from OB guy and PA chick.

The script is hanging on my bulletin board, where it's probably going to stay. I'm just so frustrated at the fact that, yet again, OB guy couldn't give to cents to what we wanted, just what he thinks is best. He's not even my normal OB, he just happened to be the unlucky one who was on call the night I delivered Bryan.

How did you and your OB handle the discussion of birthcontrol? How would you have handled our situation?