Turkey theft at homeless shelter chiefs

Turkey theft at homeless shelter chiefs, Kansas City Chiefs linebacker James-Michael Johnson saw that a homeless shelter had 300 turkeys stolen, so he decided to step in and do what he could to help out.

According to KCTV5, Mission Solano in Johnson's hometown of Fairfield, Calif., had set out to collect 1,000 turkeys to feed the homeless in the area on Thanksgiving.

When Johnson heard about the theft, it was an easy decision.

"I figured I am in a situation where I can help, where I can give back, so that is something I wanted to do," Johnson said.

It's always great to see athletes giving back to help those in need, especially around the holidays. For a young player to make a decision like this, it may be even better.

Johnson was drafted by the Cleveland Browns in the fourth round of the 2012 NFL draft, and Kansas City claimed him just before the 2013 season started.