Time runs Chris Christie cover: 'The Elephant in the Room'

Time runs Chris Christie cover: 'The Elephant in the Room, Time magazine's upcoming issue features New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on the cover with a headline that has upset many people -- "The Elephant in the Room."

The issue, which hits newsstands Friday, shows the overweight governor in profile. The headline could be taken to refer to Christie's 22-point victory Tuesday in his bid for a second term and his future as a likely 2016 Republican presidential contender or to his girth.

The magazine ran several stories inside on Christie's prospects and on whether he is the hope of a Republican Party in the midst of a faction fight, The Star-Ledger of Newark reported.

Christie and Time already have a history. In January, he was on the cover with a full-face portrait and a headline that read "The Boss." That led Christie to tell radio host Don Imus he was "reporting Time magazine to the, like, anti-Italian defamation league."

Time ran a small sample of some of the response to its latest cover. The web magazine Salon called the headline a "fat joke" while Business Insider said it was "a brilliant triple entendre."

The magazine ran its own summary of its thinking: "Christie's outsized influence in his party and the discomfort he causes some fellow Republicans who consider him, well, the elephant in the room."