Restaurant worker pours chili stop robber

Restaurant worker pours chili stop robber
Restaurant worker pours chili stop robber, Some restaurant employees and customers at a popular Las Cruces restaurant were held up by two armed robbers Saturday evening. The Chilitos restaurant at 2405 S. Valley Dr. was the target of an armed robbery around 9 p.m.

Las Cruces police detectives described both men as having a thin build, one about 5 feet 6 inches tall and the other, who was photographed by a surveillance camera in the store, is believed to be about 5 feet 11 inches tall. Both men were dressed in black hoodies and ski masks.

Witnesses told detectives the two men walked into the restaurant and ordered the customers inside to keep their heads down with their hands on top of the tables. While one robber was keeping an eye out, police said the other demanded employees hand over cash from the register.

Both robbers got away and were last seen heading southbound, according to police. Police are offering a $1,000 reward for information that helps identify the two. Anyone with information that can help identify the two suspects who committed this armed robbery is asked to contact Las Cruces Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or send a tip via text message to CRIMES (274637), keyword LCTIPS. The Crime Stoppers number and text messaging services are operational 24 hours a day and you do not have to give your name to collect a reward.