Randy travis naked drunk driving

Randy travis naked drunk driving
Randy travis naked drunk driving, Randy Travis was arrested on Aug. 7, 2012, for drunk driving when cops found him lying naked after crashing into a construction zone.

Randy Travis may not be singing “I’m Free” anytime soon. The country singer has been sentenced to 180 days in jail after he pled guilty to an Aug. 7 drunk-driving incident in Texas in which he was found by authorities lying naked in the roadway after crashing his car in a construction zone.

Randy Travis has claimed to give up drinking for good after he pled guilty to drunk driving.In true celeb fashion, he may not spend a single day locked up, reports TMZ.

Travis' lawyer reports, 'He's in the best shape he's ever been in his life.' The country star was sentenced to 180 days in jail for pleading guilty to an Aug. 7 drunk-driving incident in Texas.

The 53-year-old country crooner’s sentence was probated for two years, so if he plays it straight he can avoid ever seeing the inside of a jail cell, according to the Grayson County District Attorney.

But he isn’t getting off that easy. The sentence also includes 100 hours of community service, a mandatory check-in to an in-patient alcohol treatment facility for a minimum of 30 days and the installation of an ignition interlock device on any vehicle Travis intends to operate over the next two years.

“He’s given up drinking alcohol,” his lawyer Larry Friedman told People magazine. “He’s drinking eight glasses of water a day or more. He’s on a strict exercise regimen… He’s in the best shape he’s ever been in his life.”