Justin Bieber walks off stage after bottle thrown at him at concert

Justin Bieber walks off stage after bottle thrown at him at concert
Justin Bieber walks off stage after bottle thrown at him at concert, Justin Bieber was on the Brazil leg of his Believe tour when a bottle thrown from the crowd knocked the microphone out of his hand Justin Bieber has incensed fans in Brazil after storming off stage because someone threw a water bottle at him.

The bottle knocked the microphone out of the hand of the singer, 19, who looked into the crowd before turning and walking off without saying goodbye.

Teenage fans sat waiting for him to return for 30 minutes, but left disappointed when his entourage started packing the equipment away.

Earlier the Canadian star had caused consternation when he kicked a Brazilian flag which had been thrown onto a walkway through the crowd.

One reviewer said that the night had been “overshadowed by a few seconds of anger and immaturity”.Bieber, who was kicking off the Brazil leg of his Believe tour, had already irritated fans by arriving an hour and 20 minutes late to the Anhembi Arena.

He was also more than three hours late for a meet and greet with fans who had paid up to £1,000 to spend a few seconds with him.

It was towards the end of his set when the bottle was thrown from the crowd.
Clearly angered, Bieber, who was in the middle of his most recent hit Boyfriend, immediately turned around and stormed off stage.

Felipe Gladiador, who was reviewing the show for Brazil's G7 website, said: "The scene was so shocking that even his dancers couldn't believe what they had seen.
"The fans didn't know what was going on and stayed in their seats half an hour, hoping that he would come back to finish the show.

"The public called for him, sang Baby, and yet nothing. The lights came on, Bieber's team started to take the equipment away and the fans realised it wasn't going to happen. In the end there was no farewell, no thanks and no rendition of his most famous song."

Mr Gladiador added: "One again the music was left to one side and the ego took over, his blood boiled and the rebellious teenager wiped out the talented singer. A night of fun was overshadowed by a few seconds of anger and immaturity."

Last night Bieber had become the butt of jokes about the incident, with a Twitter account created for the offending water bottle already having two million followers.
One post read: "Stop judging me, I just wanted to touch Justin like the rest of you."
Another said: "I'm getting threats of recycling! Stop it. My intention wasn't to hurt him, just to get to know him."