Navy fighter pilot

Navy fighter pilot
Navy fighter pilot, Not just anyone has the right disposition to become a fighter pilot. Read this short job description to discover if the high flying job will interest you.

If you enjoy pushing the limit but have resigned yourself to a career that lacks the super-charged, high-octane excitement of a fighter pilot, then read on Maverick, this might just change your future occupation.

If you think you might enjoy beginning your day by wriggling into a G-suit and survival vest and sauntering across the flight deck as the sun rises, then saddle up a supersonic jet fighter that smells a little like a new car sprinkled with high-octane jet fuel. Then light off two roaring jet engines that whine and squeal as they produce more raw horsepower than the entire starting lineup of the Indy 500. Then grasp two man-sized throttles with your left hand and slam them forward into afterburner.

Then snap a sharp salute to the catapult officer while firmly bracing your helmet against the headrest in preparation to be shot from a catapult that can throw your girlfriend's dad's Cadillac a quarter mile.

Take a deep breath and scream from zero to 170 knots in two eye-popping, gut-wrenching seconds. While with your right hand, grasping a stick that looks like a pregnant motorcycle grip on steroids with an assortment of buttons and knobs that command an arsenal of weapons capable of bringing any third-world country to its senses. Then yank the stick back between your knees and pull 7 G's into the vertical as you sink deep into your ejection seat and accelerate to a speed that few will ever experience.

Well if you think you might like to do that for a while, then read on carefully. You might just find yourself strapped snugly into the tight cockpit of a supersonic jet fighter one day.