Doug bradley pinhead

Doug bradley pinhead
Doug bradley pinhead, Yep. You read that headline right. Today is a joyous day for us horror fiends and of course, for us fans of Clive Barker’s Hellraiser. As you all know there has been a lot of talk in the past regarding the remake of Hellraiser and basically, it has led to know where. But, today it’s a totally different story all together and I am quite frankly stoked to the core!

Recently, Clive Barker took to his official Facebook page to announce the awesome news that he will indeed be penning the script for Dimension Films’ Hellraiser remake;

HOT FROM HELL! My friends,I have some news which may be of interest to you. A few weeks ago I had a very productive meeting with Bob Weinstein of Dimension Pictures,in the course of which I pitched a remake of the first HELLRAISER film. The idea of my coming back to the original film and telling the story with a fresh intensity-honoring the structure and the designs from the first incarnation but hopefully creating an even darker and richer film-was attractive to Dimension.

Today I have officially been invited to write the script based upon that pitch.What can I tell you about it?Well, it will not be a film awash with CGI. I remain as passionate about the power of practical make-up effects as I was when I wrote and directed the first HELLRAISER. Of course the best make-up in the world loses force if not inhabited by a first-rate actor. I told the Dimension team that in my opinion there could never be a Pinhead without Doug Bradley,and much to my delight Bob Weinstein agreed.

So once the papers are signed , I will open a Lemarchand Configuration,dip my quill in its contents and start writing . I promise that there will be nowhere on the Internet where the news of my progress will be more reliable than here ,because the only author of these reports will be Your Infernal Corespondent ,me. My very best wishes to you
all,my friends.

So with this awesome news, the first questions on my mind are, who will be directing, and will this be rated R? I mean, it has to be rated R, right?

While we have no word on a director we do know that the remake will indeed be rated R, and it appears once the Hellraiser remake is done, Clive Barker will be writing and directing a brand new original horror feature too! Here is what Barker said;

As questions are asked I’ll do my best to answer them,though as you all know making movies is a volatile art,and things seldom remain fixed. One question regarding the rating has been asked. I asked it too,and Dimension confirmed that they are purely interested in an R rated picture.Somebody else asked why I’m not writing something original. The answer is that I am.After HELLRAISER I intend to write and direct a completely new horror movie,which will mingle graphic horror and erotic content,to create an unrated film which will push the envelope of extreme content further than ever…