The Vampire Diaries' Season 5 Promo: Doppelgangers Galore!

The Vampire Diaries' Season 5 Promo: Doppelgangers Galore, A new promo for Season 5 of "The Vampire Diaries" has just surfaced, and it's packed with all kinds of doppelganger goodness!

"If I have to hear 'doppelganger' one more time, I'm gonna have to learn how to spell it," quips an angry Damon in the promo. And judging from all the doppelgangers in this sneak peek, Season 5 is going to be filled with tons of intense, tricky moments.

Last season's stunning finale saw the original immortal being Silas take the form of handsome vampire Stefan Salvatore. While Silas has the power to look like anyone, it was revealed that his true form is identical to Stefan's. In much the same way that Katherine is Elena's shadow self, Silas isStefan's doppelganger.

The promo recaps some footage from last season, including the scene where Silas throws Stefan into a safe and then throws the safe into a quarry. New footage shows Stefan (or is it Silas?) stooping over Katherine in a bathtub. "Human looks better on you than I would have thought, Katherine," he says as he gently touches her face.

Two pairs of doppelgangers are definitely going to mean double trouble for the residents of Mystic Falls. Here's hoping Damon and Elena can rescue Stefan from that safe! With Silas running around wearing Stefan's face, Season 5 will surely be chilling and thrilling.